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Toronto's Underground City

The winter here is so long. Sometimes it gets so cold that it's hard to be outside for more than a few hours. There are weekends to spend with the kids trying to keep them busy and warm. There are the winter holidays. There are lunch dates and work meetings and errands to run. Life goes on as usual in the winter time too, only you spend it trying to avoid the outdoors. 

"Oh, you live in downtown Toronto?! easy peasy lemon squeezy! There's a hidden underground city. You can cross downtown from one side to the other without having to wear your winter coat! It's so cool, someone told me about it once". 


Or shall I say a myth? 

Similar to the the Loch Ness or The Bermuda Triangle, the underground city of Toronto is a place filled with mystery and legend. And lies, tons and tons of lies wearing earmuffs and scarves, holding Pumpkin Spice Lattes and walking around the city telling everyone they should come underground.

It's called THE PATH.

Such a luxurious name for a food court. With some shoe repair stores, perhaps also a dentistry and fast access to some subway stations. You can easily find your way in, but it might be Patio season (aka Summer) by the time you find your way out. If you're lucky enough you'll succeed before 5pm, which is when it CLOSES. Ever heard of a city that closes? neither have I...

Toronto actually happens above the ground. Even when it's cold. There are winter events and concerts and Christmas markets and shows. Restaurants are filled with people who, well... eat. Cause we eat all year round.

We still do grocery shopping and meet with friends. My kids play outside at school when it's -25c (yes, you heard right). I once even naively washed my hair and left the house just to find out that hair can freeze. It was so funny (not). And when the temperature is above zero we even take the kids to the outdoor playground and brag about how nice it is outside!

Winter sucks, it's a fact. But also people who promise you underground cities. 

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