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Six years

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

I've been trying to start a blog for six years now. Document my life, share my thoughts, experiences, or just silly pics of my family and myself. But it was easier said than done.

Now it's finally happening. The trees are changing colours again, the weather is changing and everything around it too, and I am marking six years in Canada. If that's not a reason to celebrate then what is?

Almost six years ago (November 19th, 2013), my partner Ofir and I packed four suitcases and embarked on a journey that we knew where it started but had no idea where it would take us.

Fast forward to today, we're the proud parents of two little kids: Eve Emily, four years old (but if you ask her she's "almost five"), and Tom Reuven, 10 months old.

We live in Downtown Toronto, pay the mortgage, work full-time, do grocery shopping, annoy each other, cook, get upset when Eve doesn't eat her veggies or when Tom gets sick again, take a streetcar bursting with people every morning and complain about it every night, spend our weeks planning the weekends and our weekends planning the following weeks, call the family doctor, pay taxes, oh shoot I forgot to get new snow pants for Eve as the old ones are too small, take Tom to circle time, watch Netflix (I mean, Ofir watches, I fall asleep), or in short, we live the life of an average young family with kids.

So you're probably wondering why we moved here in the first place. What was all the hustle for if we ended up living a 'regular' life? Glad you asked!

I won't answer this now (gotta give you a reason to keep reading, eh?), but I will say that our 'regular' is different. Different from anything we were used to.

In the next posts, I will try to take you back to my first days in Toronto and share a little about my experience moving from a small country called Israel to a cold and foreign country called Canada. Because you know what they say, you can take the girl out of Israel, but you can't take Israel out of the girl (this really sounds much better in Hebrew).

Yours, Liat

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