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Lessons learned so far from COVID-19

Have you noticed I was gone for a while? (aside from posting about our Epic Road Trip). This funny thing happened, the COVID-19 pandemic. Chances are, if you are a human on this planet, you've heard all about it.

Long story short (for those who were in space), there's a novel coronavirus that is threatening to change everything that we know about this world, and it's been quite successful so far. The outbreak was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, but since this virus is so kind, he decided that everyone should get a fair share of it and so it started travelling around the world until he (also) reached Canada, cause who wouldn't wanna visit this beautiful country? 

It's been over 130 days (but who's counting) since we were forced to stay home, or as the viral word goes, QUARANTINE. 

The amount of memes and jokes that were created since this craziness has started is ridiculous, but really there's nothing funny about it. Ok maybe just how I look after 130 days of beauty salons closures (which is ending this Friday!!!). However, this virus has been a great teacher and I think it's safe to say that we've all learned (and continue to learn) a lot from it about the world, our family, and most frighteningly, about ourselves. 

Here are some of the lessons I learned so far:

Seeing your family in video calls only is no fun But that's old news to me. Now you all know what it's like (evil laugh). On a serious note, the hardest thing during this time was knowing that my parents can't even see the grandkids that live in the same country with them. Seeing the virtual us is no new, but I've always told myself that at least they have their Israeli grandkids to fill in this gap, which has become even bigger now. That being said, after many days away from their children and grandkids, Israel finally allowed families to reunite, and I quickly went back to being this person who  abandoned everyone who is raising her children far, far away so grandpa and grandma couldn't see them, and that's an important role :)

What six feet apart actually looks like I don't usually carry a measuring tape around (or have spatial awareness), but now I know what six feet looks like, and I couldn't be prouder of myself. 

Toilet paper is edible That's the only explanation for people stocking up on TP. Unless their bums are REALLY big. 

Everyone in the world has an acoustic guitar / ukulele and they all can't sing. 

Yoga instructors should be banned from Instagram Like seriously, how many of you are out there? Should I start to feel bad for not getting my Yoga instructor certificate?

I will never complain about having to wait for a table at a restaurant Remember eating at restaurants? the good old times...The patios might be open now, but getting a table is harder than ever. 

Working from home sucks and it means working more. You know when the day starts but you don't know when it will end.

I love my kids to death Between 7-5. Outside of those hours they're likeable, but only if they're sleeping. 

One doesn’t need to have graduated from medical school to know more than our leading health experts Ask anyone on the internet. 

Essential workers are heroes and should be treated as such all the time. 

We should all be very grateful for all that we have in life Kidding. We all know that as soon as this is over we will go back to complaining about everything, work and kids included.

One thing is certain, the world turning upside-down has more to teach us, we just need to listen. 

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